Here are a few places on the web that I feel are great services and are free. You may visit them on the web. Most are for people that make there own web pages, and want extra things on there page. • Free Guestbook - Free Guestbook service. Setup in 2 minutes guarenteed or your money back! • Free Counter - Free visitor counter. Can count by number of visits or number of unique visitors. • Free Visitor Tracker - Gives you the Date, Time, Type of Browser, last 100 visitors, a daily graph showing visitors each day, and the average visitor a day. Company is called "Caller ID 2". • Doctor HTML v4.0 - The online web page allows you to check the html code of your web page for errors and missing links. • Solena Sol's Scripts - Solena programs her own scripts for many different uses, and lets anyone download them for free. • Internet Link Exchange - Every 2 unique visits to your page, allows your advertisment banner to be displayed on another web page. • Trade Banners - Similar to Internet Link Exchange • Free Web Page - This is the best server for free web pages. It offers a whole lot more services than all others. Like it gives you a counter, form capabilities, 1 megabyte of disk space on server, and lots more. You can also have a free e-mail address as well! It will look like, "". • Submit-It! - If your looking to submit you site into all of the search engines, then this is the easiest way to finish the job quickly. • 1,2,3 Easy Web - This is for beginner web authors. It gives you images, backgrounds and other utilities to get your web page started on the right track. • Extreme Mac - Yes, I just couldn't withstand adding my page on here. Well, this document helped you out didn't it? This may not be free, but my web page is. The latest Games, Demos, Software, News, and Links, Opinion, and an online version of HTML Tricks for all to enjoy!